RPMI 1640 Medium was originally developed to culture human leukemic cells in suspension and as a monolayer. Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 Medium has since been found suitable for a variety of mammalian cells, including HeLa, Jurkat, MCF-7, PC12, PBMC, astrocytes, and carcinomas.


Gibco® KaryoMAX® Colcemid™ Solution in HBSS is a 10 µg/mL N-desacetyl-N-methylocolchicine (Colcemid™) solution made up in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS). Colcemid™ prevents spindle formation during mitosis, arresting cells in metaphase so that the chromosomes can be separated for cytogenetic studies and in vitro diagnostic procedures. The mechanism of action is similar to that of…