Gibco | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Gibco stands for the highest quality sera, media and research products for over fifty years. Gibco media, supplements, cells, and cell culture reagents are designed to deliver reproducibility and performance for results you can count on every day.

Gibco products


RPMI 1640 Medium was originally developed to culture human leukemic cells in suspension and as a monolayer. Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 Medium has…

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Gibco® KaryoMAX® Colcemid™ Solution in HBSS is a 10 µg/mL N-desacetyl-N-methylocolchicine (Colcemid™) solution made up in Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS). Colcemid™ prevents spindle formation…

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Gibco® Phytohemagglutinin, M form (PHA-M) is a solution made from a crude extract of the red kidney bean Phaseolus vulgaris. This extract is capable of…

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Gibco® Trypsin-EDTA is made from trypsin powder, an irradiated mixture of proteases derived from porcine pancreas. Due to its digestive strength, trypsin is widely used…

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Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS) is a balanced salt solution used for a variety of applications, including reagent preparation, diluting cells for flow cytometry, and as a…

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Gibco® AmnioMAX™ – II Complete Medium is a fully-supplemented medium developed for the short term culture of human amniotic fluid cells for cytogenetic studies and in…

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DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium) is a widely used basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Cells successfully cultured in DMEM…

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Cell-based applications are an integral part of not only basic research, but also biochemical studies, vaccine development, and drug discovery to name a few. Fetal…

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